On being radical

It took me years to be radical. To become radical.
Radical is not a popular word. It is often used in the context of extremism, whether political or religious.

But having radical opinions is not always a bad thing.
It means setting boundaries. Saying no. Without justifying oneself. Standing strong for what one believes in. This is what I call radical.

And this is necessary especially when one is a woman.
Because it is not the way we were raised to be. To behave. We have to fight for it.

Expressing what we want to say with confidence comes in stages.
First very softly, with a smile, a giggle, to a friend. Then to a colleague. Then to hierarchy. Louder. Without blinking. Finally feeling we are heard. And earned respect.

It took me years to understand that fear is both a waste of time and the best way to lie to ourselves. It is a way to avoid being who we really are. It takes courage to show our true colours and risk facing rejection.

Showing up the way we are allows us to meet like-minded people and only then does it enable a community to form, who will join forces for what it is that we believe in.
I wish you get to experience what it feels like when people believe in your cause and choose to fight along with you. It is magical.

So be radical, stand for your ideas and be an inspiration to others.
You’re worth it.


Photo by BP Miller on Unsplash